Insurance Coverage

understanding health insurance Coverage

Having to battle with your insurance company after an emergency only adds more stress to the situation. Our goal is to minimize that stress by ensuring your emergency is resolved quickly and efficiently without surprise billing. 

Rice Emergency Room is your personal advocate in this process by making sure that the benefits , which you pay monthly, will be honored by your insurance company.

At Rice Emergency Room, we provide fast, concierge emergency care to all members of the Houston community and Rice Village area.

State law requires your health insurance company pays your emergency room claim based on your in-network benefits. This safeguards you from having to worry about finding an in-network provider when experiencing a medical emergency.

To learn more about Insurance Code law learn more here.

Billing Questions
Insurance Coverage

we welcome all private insurance plans

While our facility is not a participating provider with any health benefit plans, we do work with all private insurance plans.

This enables us to coordinate directly with your insurance provider, ensuring that your visit is processed at an in-network level.

Rice Emergency Room has never and will never balance bill or surprise bill!

For more information regarding your health care coverage in Texas visit the Texas Department of Insurance.

To file a complaint regarding your health insurance company, visit the TDI Health Insurance Complaints page.

attention patients

Pursuant to House Bill 2041, the following is for you:

This facility is a freestanding emergency medical care facility ;
This facility charges rates comparable to a hospital emergency room and may charge a facility fee;
This facility or a physician providing medical care at the facility may not be a participating provider in your health benefit plan provider network; and
The physician providing medical care at this facility may bill separately from the facility for the medical care provided to you.
This facility is not a participating provider in any health benefit plan provider network.

Click here to review our prices.

Rice Emergency Room will never send you a surprise bill. We take great care to review each claim and ensure that your insurer processes the claim correctly.

emergency check up
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