COVID-19 Testing

Quick & Easy Online Registration

To maximize efficiency and avoid crowded waiting rooms, we’ve streamlined the COVID-19 testing process. Register on your mobile device or from a computer and we will notify you when we’re ready for you to make your way to Rice Emergency Room to take your test.


Rapid Viral Antigen Test

Results: 15 min or Less

Performed with a nasal swab. This test is designed to detect the virus that causes COVID-19. When performed within 7 days of symptom onset, this test has 96.7% PPA*. If the test result is negative, there is small a chance that a true positive is overlooked by the test.

* The performance data in the package insert for the Sofia SARS Antigen test has a percent positive agreement (PPA) of 96.7% with RT-PCR using direct nasal swabs collected from patients WITH symptom onset of 7 days or less from the time of sample collection.

Molecular (PCR) Test

Results: 1 Hour or Less

Emergency use authorized, in-house PCR test with same-day turnaround results. We can usually get results within a few hours. Performed with a nasal swab. This test is designed to detect the virus that causes COVID-19 in addition to pathogens causing over 22 different viral and bacterial respiratory infections including other coronaviruses and influenza strains. This test is 97.1% sensitive and 99.3 specific.

What are your symptoms?

Do I have COVID-19, the Flu, or do I just have Allergies?


Fever, Fatigue, Dry Cough, Shortness of Breath


Sneezing, Coughing, Itchy Eyes, Runny Nose, Stuffy Nose


Fever, Runny Nose, Headache, Sore Throat, Dry Cough, Muscle and Joint Pain

Pursuant to section 6001 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “FFCRA”) as amended by Sections 3201 and 3202 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) specifically as the foregoing relate to the provision and reimbursement of orders for and or administration of SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 (collectively, “COVID-19) in vitro diagnostic tests (including serological tests used to detect COVID-19 antibodies) as well as the provision and reimbursement of items and services furnished to individuals during visits that result in an order for, or administration of a COVID-19 in vitro diagnostic test(s) and or the provision and reimbursement of services related to the evaluation of such individuals by the attending healthcare provider for purposes of determining the need for the product or service in question, the following are the lists by provider of CPT codes and associated cash prices required by section 3202 (b) of the CARES Act related to the foregoing COVID-19 in vitro diagnostic testing services as well as said related items and services.

Covid-19 (SARS-Cov-2) Rapid Antigen by nasopharyngeal swab – Cash Price: $350

Molecular (PCR) Test – Cash Price: $450